Writing school AI policies? Use these 10+ resources

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence | Sunday, June 4, 2023

Writing school AI policies? Use these 10+ resources

Looking to create some policy -- or guidance for teachers and students -- for responsible, ethical use of artificial intelligence in class? Check out these 10+ AI resources.

Ever since ChatGPT was unveiled in 2022, schools and school districts have been trying to understand the place of artificial intelligence assistants in education.

Even individual teachers have considered it for their classrooms (especially if their districts are slow to adopt).

We want to preserve education.

We want students to think. 

We want them to develop skills.

We don't want to pretend that AI doesn't exist, because that doesn't prepare students for their future.

But we also want to be careful, to use it ethically and responsibly.

How can we craft school policies that reflect that?

I asked educators on Twitter, and their responses revealed several resources you can use to guide the creation of your own policies.

Post by Matt Miller at DitchThatTextbook.com

What is artificial intelligence? How will it impact education? How can we teach tomorrow knowing this exists ... and how can we build for the future while using AI in the classroom?

This mega post is full of ideas. It also touches on the concept of cheating and plagiarism -- and what it will mean in an AI-integrated future.

Read: ChatGPT, Chatbots and Artificial Intelligence in Education

Post by Alice Keeler at AliceKeeler.com

Recommended by Kathy Schrock @kathyschrock and Megan Klein @MeganKleinWI

Rightfully, there is concern that students will plug in assignment prompts into AI Chatbots such as ChatGPT and Google Bard in order to complete their assignments. As EdTech evolves, so do the tools that we use to facilitate teaching and learning. Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers a variety of benefits to the English Language Arts classroom, including improved personalization and support for learners. However, we need to ensure that these tools are used responsibly, maintaining academic integrity and the core purpose of English education. Here are some suggested elements to include in your acceptable use policy on your syllabus for your class.

Read: Acceptable Use Policy for AI in the ELA Classroom

Video by AJ Juliani via Loom

How do we confront artificial intelligence from a policy standpoint? How can we have conversations about important AI-related topics to help form these policies over the summer -- as we close in on a new school year? Educator AJ Juliani shares several resources that can help guide your efforts. (Links to all resources in the video description.)

Watch: How to Develop Your Classroom, School, or District AI Policies

Post by Common Sense Education

While ChatGPT and other AI assistants have captured the headlines, we interact with artificial intelligence every day in our lives. In this post, Christine Elgersma of Common Sense Education lays out current concerns, what AI means for the future, how to handle AI concerns, how to handle ethics involved, other ways to use AI, and more.

Read: ChatGPT and Beyond: How to Handle AI in Schools

By the U.S. Office of Educational Technology

Recommended by Marcia McInnes @marciachat

This report addresses the clear need for sharing knowledge and developing policies for "Artificial Intelligence,” a rapidly advancing class of foundational capabilities which are increasingly embedded in all types of educational technology systems and are also available to the public. This 71-page document addresses building ethical, equitable policies; teaching and learning; formative assessment; research and development; and recommendations.

Read: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning


Recommended by Jae Williams, M.P.Ed. @geoscigurl

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to address some of the biggest challenges in education today, innovate teaching and learning practices, and ultimately accelerate the progress toward SDG 4. However, these rapid technological developments inevitably bring multiple risks and challenges. This publication offers guidance for policy-makers on how to best leverage the opportunities and address the risks, presented by the growing connection between AI and education.

Read: AI and Education: Guidance for Policy-Makers


The General Conference of UNESCO made these recommendations to its member states in 2021 -- before ChatGPT was released. It includes values and principles as well as areas of policy action that include ethical impact, data policy, gender, culture, education and research, and more. 

Read: Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, saw a need for guidance on how the education sector could proceed forward with the existence of ChatGPT. This document is intended to be a starting point for conversations among educators. It includes information about ChatGPT, examples of education-related risks and opportunities, and the importance of disclosing the use of ChatGPT. 

Read: Educator Considerations for ChatGPT


Recommended by Stevie Frank @steviefrank

RAISE (Responsible AI for Social Empowerment and Education) is a new MIT-wide initiative headquartered in the MIT Media Lab and in collaboration with the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing and MIT Open Learning. It seeks to advance equity in learning, education and computational action to rethink and innovate how to holistically and equitably prepare diverse K-12 students, an inclusive workforce, and lifelong learners to be successful, responsible, and engaged in an increasingly AI-powered society.

Read: MIT RAISE: Responsible AI for Social Empowerment and Education

By International Baccalaureate

Recommended by Stevie Frank @steviefrank and Becky Keene @BeckyKeene

International Baccalaureate was one of the first academic organizations to issue a statement that didn't condemn the use of ChatGPT and similar AI assistants. Its guidance statement recognizes that it can have a place in teaching and learning, but that students' work should be their own. It can help guide policy making in schools and school districts. 

Read: Statement from the IB about ChatGPT and artificial intelligence in assessment and education

aiEDU is a non-profit that creates equitable learning experiences that build foundational AI literacy. Whether you have nine weeks or just five minutes, we have an engaging, free curriculum that’s easy to use. Their resources can help inform and education policy-makers, from the classroom to the central office.

Visit: aiEDU.org

AI is becoming more and more widespread every day. It has its limitations, and it can demonstrate damaging bias in its responses, shining a light on gaps in its dataset.

What can we do? How do we navigate it, and what conversations should we have with our students?

In this live stream with Ditch That Textbook's Matt Miller, librarian Jean Darnell (Twitter: @awakenlibrarian) shares thoughts and suggestions. She also discusses how uses AI as a tool to help engage students -- and how she uses it in the library.

Read: Navigating AI bias in the classroom: Tips and experiences

By Matt Miller at DitchThatTextbook.com

In February 2023, a Florida high school found that students were using artificial intelligence assistants like ChatGPT to do their schoolwork.

The response, according to news reports: students could face "more severe consequences" if they didn't admit to using AI in their work, and they might be withheld from graduating.

How can we implement AI in schools responsibly? How can we set policies fairly? This story can give us some guidance.

Read: Setting school policy about AI: A cautionary tale

Artificial intelligence may change the world more than the iPhone, the internet, or even electricity.

It’s bound to change education. (It already has.) But how?

AI for Educators is a readable guide for educators.

• It translates AI through a teacher lens.

• It provides practical ideas you can use in class right away.

• It unlocks powerful ways to streamline teaching and save time.

It also paints a picture of the future our students will face—and provides questions you can help them grapple with.

We can use AI to empower teaching and learning. And it can start today.

Read: AI for Educators by Matt Miller

Open-source, content-creating AI models are a relatively new addition to the education landscape—and they are the next step for edtech tools. With more than twenty-five years of experience as an educator and as one of the first teachers in the United States to have a 1:1 classroom, bestselling author of the Infused Classroom series, Holly Clark, takes a future-oriented approach to technology integration in education. Through her training and speaking engagements, she equips educators worldwide to effectively use technology, including AI, in their classrooms. And now, with The AI Infused Classroom, she offers a thoughtful, practical guide for navigating the latest iteration of edtech.

Read: The AI Infused Classroom by Holly Clark

Are you an educator looking to stay ahead in the ever-changing world of education? Look no further than The AI Classroom, the ultimate guide for navigating the complexities of AI in education. This thought-provoking book provides practical strategies for incorporating AI tools into your teaching practices, while exploring the potential of AI to transform traditional models of teaching and learning. Discover how AI can help you create inclusive and accessible learning environments, personalize learning, reach more students, and get your time back. Let’s unlock the full potential of artificial intelligence and embrace its transformative power to take your craft to the next level!

Read: The AI Classroom by Dan Fitzpatrick, Amanda Fox, and Brad Weinstein

Want to dive deep into topics that will inform your policy-making related to artificial intelligence? Take the AI for Educators Online Course ...

  • A four-week course, offered in the spring, in the summer, and during back-to-school time.
  • Features a one-hour live video session each week (that can be watched as a video replay).
  • Get tons of helpful resources. Each week, you'll get lesson ideas, videos, downloadable PDFs, and more.
  • It's interactive! You can comment during the live video sessions.
  • Upon completion, you'll get a certificate of completion for five (5) hours of professional development credit.
  • Keep the course materials (videos, resources, etc.) forever. No expiration.

Get details and enroll: AI for Educators Online Course

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