What are the best projects to showcase student learning and wrap up a memorable school year? And what activities will keep students engaged up until that final bell? The #ditchbook community shared tons of ideas!
The end of the school year is upon us. It’s time to reflect on the growth we’ve made and showcase our learning. We get to pull out our favorite end-of-year projects and activities.
It’s also the perfect time to try something brand new.
If you are looking for:
- ways to keep motivation high as you review for the end of the year assessments
- new final project ideas
- innovative ways to showcase student work
Then you have come to the right place.
In a recent #Ditchbook chat, we asked the community to share their BEST final projects along with creative ways to review for the end of the year assessments. They did not disappoint.
Participants shared ideas like:
- clothespin bumper cars
- choice boards
- the million dollar project
- epic review games
- …and SO many more!
Scroll down to find 50+ awesome end-of-year ideas, activities and projects! Also, be sure to check out this Wakelet collection to see the entire chat.
Related posts:
- End the school year with Epic Review Olympics (free templates!)
- 10 ideas for digital end-of-semester final projects
- 10 ways Google tools can make the end of the year ROCK
- Game show classroom: Comparing Kahoot!, Quizizz, Quizlet Live and Gimkit
Want to get in on the next #DitchBook Twitter chat?
- They happen every Thursday at 7 p.m. Pacific / 8 p.m. Mountain / 9 p.m. Central / 10 p.m. Eastern.
- They often run for 30 minutes. Many times, moderators will offer bonus questions for those that want to continue chatting.
- Check out what’s happening on the #DitchBook Twitter chat by clicking here. (Even if you don’t have a Twitter account!)
- New to Twitter? Want to know the basics? Check out our Beginners Guide to Twitter for Educators free ebook.
- Want to sign up for Twitter? Here are the directions.
Having trouble? Still unclear on how a Twitter chat works? Feel free to tweet to these #DitchBook ambassadors and they’ll help — Karly Moura @karlymoura, Sean Fahey @seanjfahey, Sandy Otto @sandyrotto, Rachel Marker @rachelmarker, Evan Mosier @emosier3, Mandi Tolen @TTmomTT, Craig Klement @craigklement, Tara Martin @taramartinedu, Krista Harmsworth @zonie71, Anne Kamper @annekamper, Rayna Freedman @rlfreedm, Lance McClard @drmcclard, Stephanie DeMichele @sdemichele or David Platt @herrplatt!
50+ awesome end-of-year ideas, activities and projects
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