Comments on: Remixing traditional lessons with tech: a framework you can use Ed tech, creative teaching, less reliance on the textbook. Sun, 11 Jun 2017 18:14:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Links- 6-11-17 | Mr. Bright's Blog Sun, 11 Jun 2017 18:14:36 +0000 […] Remixing Traditional Lessons with Tech-“They hope that they’ll get big, lasting change from a little bit of tech fairy dust. Many times, it doesn’t change the overall learning experience much — and sometimes detracts from it.” […]

By: Diigo Links (weekly) | Mr. Gonzalez's Classroom Sun, 14 May 2017 23:33:35 +0000 […] Remixing traditional lessons with tech: a framework you can use | Ditch That Textbook […]

By: Jonny Wed, 10 May 2017 08:44:04 +0000 Thanks for sharing, I am currently trying to revamp my UNITS and Themes to be more engaging, exciting and interesting for students. Do you have any recommendations for templates or guides that you use for Unit Planning (Secondary Level) that help for mid-to long term planning.

In the spirit of sharing as well, here is the template I was switching to a new curriculum. It is from a Technology Class and I adapted the Understanding By Design Template as well as elements from the LMU Mast Program – Feel free to make a copy –

By: Jennifer Casa-Todd Wed, 10 May 2017 00:13:20 +0000 Thanks for sharing your thinking and learning here! I heard Traci Bond share about this conference and encourage us to look at the hashtag, so I was excited to see your post. I think the lesson template is good…but I feel like it has too many steps. In Ontario we use the three-part lesson plan. MINDS ON (Sets context for learning, establishes positive learning environment, connects to prior learning), ACTION (introduce new learning, provide opportunity for practice), and CONSOLIDATION (Helping students demonstrate what they have learned, Providing opportunities for consolidation, metacognition, and reflection) just seems simpler. Having said that, the idea of getting together with a group of people with a common goal like this is perhaps the new evolution of professional learning! LOVE your lesson and am excited to look at the others. Amazing stuff! Thanks again.

By: Frau Davis Tue, 09 May 2017 21:01:53 +0000 Have you done a post on Adobe Spark videos yet? That program is new to me, but I’m curious to see how it works and what a finished video made with it would look like.

By: Patty Hacker Tue, 09 May 2017 19:10:47 +0000 Good afternoon!
I just finished reading through your posting and the accompanying materials- how cool! But the reason for my reply to this is that I really had to laugh…….. I am retiring this year from and institution I have been teaching at for 26 years, and thus finishing 44 years of teaching teacher candidates as well as kindergarten students. What did I laugh at? The Madeleine Hunter Lesson Plan template. Don’t get me wrong- when I was first introduced to this template, I really wished I had learned about it earlier, and then realized I had- in my undergraduate teacher education program. That was the model I had learned for planning lessons- but it was way before Madeleine Hunter had put her name on it! She was able to compile research and planning in the right place and at the right time and really made her mark (did you know that she was also the person who taught us all that you don’t talk to a backboard? You write on it, then you turn around and talk to your students about what you wrote!). For the last 29 years I have been training teacher candidates to “go out and prosper,” and part of that has been to write good lesson plans; and as the field has changed and ETS has made life so complicated and complex, as have standards boards, Madeleine Hunter’s format still has stood the test of time in terms of simplicity, but also of the basic needs of planning to meet the learning needs of students (and the teacher’s needs to document their learning). No matter how you look at it, using edTPA, or PPAT, or whatever comes our way that we have to force down the throats of student teachers, if we stick to Madeleine Hunter’s model, we “have ‘er licked!” And that is what caused me to chuckle 🙂

By: Andrew Boatman Tue, 09 May 2017 19:01:36 +0000 It is great. We had to use the Madeline Hunter lesson plan in college. It has gone by the wayside.
How long did the lessons take to develop at the conference. Was it just an hour session? Did folks come in prepared with lessons?
