Social media in the classroom has true learning power, and it’s a way to help students develop a positive image online. We can ignore it, or we can help students become savvy about it.
Thanks for coming to this meeting. I know you’re nervous about using social media in the classroom, so I hope that this open discussion will be a good thing.
Yeah, I just don’t get it. I know using social media in class is trendy these days, but I don’t see the concrete application of it.
The most important ones I see are the connections students can make and the authentic audience they can write for:
Can student work really be seen by that many people? How does this hashtag thing work anyway?
It really can. There are more than 645 million active users on Twitter. Any one of those users could potentially search a specific hashtag — a word/phrase with a “#” before that acts as an organizational category or keyword — and find student work. Depending on how compelling the work is and how cleverly phrased the tweet is, it could be seen by many, many eyes.
That many, many eyes part scares me. There are bad people out there, and I don’t want to subject kids to them online. If we don’t use social media, we protect them from those people.
We certainly need to protect our students when they use the Internet. But reality is that the Internet is out there and it’s not going away. If we “put our heads in the sand” about social media and pretend it isn’t there, that won’t keep kids from accessing it. One report shows that 96 percent of students with Internet access report using social media. We have a choice: try to hide social media from kids or help them navigate it safely and effectively.
Is that really the school’s place? Why should we teach them that?
If the school doesn’t do it, and if parents don’t do it, then who will? Whether they think they are or not, students are creating digital footprints. Their presence on the web doesn’t just disappear when they want it to. They add to it when they post personal pictures, status updates and videos. But they also can add to it by posting their best work from school and engaging in meaningful conversations online. Employers and college admissions offices, among others, will search for our students online. We should help our kids develop a fine reputation instead of hoping they earn one by chance.
This social media still seems like a huge distraction. Won’t they just get on their social media accounts all the time and waste time?
They probably will if we give them time to waste. Much of it comes down to classroom management. If students are disengaged, off topic, not actively doing meaningful work, there’s a chance they might wander to social media. But the truth is, if they’re bored and want to kill time on social media in class, they’re probably already doing it on their phones. Again, instead of pretending like it doesn’t exist, let’s engage this issue proactively and show students the possibilities and benefits of using this powerful tool in meaningful ways.
This whole social media thing is starting to make more sense. Even though I still may have some doubts, I can see how it can be a positive force in education.
I’m glad we had this talk.
How do you see social media in education? Does it have a place? How could you see it being used — or how have you used it? Leave your thoughts in a comment below!
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Matt- I am a firm supporter of social media in the classroom. Like anything else, we must model how to use the tool. We have to show the power of the source. There will be road bumps, as there is in anything new that is implemented into the classroom….. I’m on board!
Me too, Paula! Goes to show that you weren’t the one I needed to have this conversation with! And I agree … any time teachers can model effective use of anything (journaling, digital citizenship, etc.), students benefit. Thanks for the comment!
I agree that we should ensure our students are responsible digital citizens. I do see the possibility of audience and engagement by using social media in class. I recognize that if students are off-task it may be related to classroom management. However I agree with Ken. How can we ensure that students aren’t just shouting out to a vast empty room?
Great questions, Anna and Ken. There are a couple of channels I can think of.
One is the school/corporation’s social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, etc.). If student work is channeled through that, it’s much more likely to reach interested eyes (i.e. parents, community members, etc.).
With regard to hashtags, a well-placed tweet to a very relevant hashtag can be very well seen. The #Comments4Kids hashtag puts student work in front of people who are ready to read what students have to say and encourage them for their work. If hashtags for specific causes or topics already exist, they can be incorporated too.
Plus, sharing with specific people who can spread the message (i.e. people sympathetic to the students’ message with many followers) can work as well.
I think the goal here, as in spreading any message on social media, is to try to give the message its best chance at finding an interested audience. Nothing is a guaranteed method of getting readers/viewers/listeners, but I think we can reach larger and larger audiences if we keep working to find different ways to connect.
Just leaving a “hash tag” seems a bit arbitrary (like the parable of the sower). Can social media intervention be more focused (like a fishing lure) in order to attract the attention of those who have something really worth saying with regard to a # topic?