Comments on: A blueprint for Twitter and cell phones in class from Joe Marquez Ed tech, creative teaching, less reliance on the textbook. Thu, 02 Mar 2017 23:31:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Does technology meet today’s learner? | dreaming big… Thu, 02 Mar 2017 23:31:09 +0000 […] Joe Marquez is a great example of how to allow students to use technology for what it was intended. Educators need to have an open mindset when trying to implement lesson that utilize technology as “learning tools” and not “distractions.” We need to embrace what is possible with the technology. […]

By: Does technology meet today’s learner? | dreaming big… Thu, 02 Mar 2017 23:24:18 +0000 […] Joe Marquez is a great example of how to allow students to use technology for what it was intended. Educators need to have an open mindset when trying to implement lesson that utilize technology as “learning tools” and not “distractions.” We need to embrace what is possible with the technology. […]

By: Cell Phones In Class | Cell Phones Mon, 02 Mar 2015 04:45:24 +0000 […] A blueprint for Twitter and cell phones in class from Joe Marquez … – Dec 22, 2014 … Twitter and cell phones can exist in harmony with your instruction. Just ask Joe Marquez, who incorporates social media in his science classes. […]

By: Joe Marquez Tue, 23 Dec 2014 23:38:45 +0000 In reply to Lois Stratton.

Hi Lois, those are two great questions. Let me answer the 2nd one first. I make sure the students and parents know that a cell phone is not required for class, it is only an enhancement to instruction, but be that as it may I try to put a device in every students hand. At the beginning of the year I ask parents if they would be willing to donate any of their old cellphones that they may have lying around their house. From that request I usually receive 5-10 devices I can factory reset to be used with school wi-fi to tweet and take pictures. This usually allows me to put a device in each students hand or at least allow them to trade off from lab to lab. As for the first question I have students take pictures to document the lab as the experiment is taking place allowing them to digitally record their procedures. When it comes time for them to analyze their information for their conclusions the pictures allow them to go back and answer their questions more thoroughly by working off more than just their memory and collected data. I have the student refer back to their pictures and include them in the formal lab write up they complete using a shared Google document. I have found that the pictures have allowed my students to think more deeply and create more complete lab write ups than ever before.

By: Lois Stratton Mon, 22 Dec 2014 22:04:28 +0000 I have two questions:
1. If you use Twitter for students to record observations, how do you get them to take the time to think deeply? Twitter by its nature is fast and isn’t conducive to more thoughtful responses.
2. How do you handle those students who do NOT have a cell phone? How do you make this work without excluding part of your class?
