Comments on: Seeing tech in the classroom as ‘just another thing’ Ed tech, creative teaching, less reliance on the textbook. Thu, 04 Aug 2016 15:35:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bobbye Thu, 04 Aug 2016 15:35:04 +0000 I love the ‘tartar sauce’ analogy. It is hard to incorporate technology in meaningful ways, sometimes. Getting bogged down with day to day lessons, activities, and requirements can really overwhelm a teacher.

By: Patrice Thu, 09 Jun 2016 19:51:34 +0000 Technology is just another tool; it’s almost like our curriculum and resources we have available. Pick and choose what works for you. You don’t have to do it all!

By: Matt Miller Mon, 25 Jan 2016 12:53:34 +0000 In reply to Kathy Z..

Sandbox time = free time for students to play and create with what they’ve just learned.

By: Kathy Z. Sun, 24 Jan 2016 03:12:56 +0000 In reply to Rhett.

What is “sandbox time”, please? Thanks!

By: Stewart Fri, 22 Jan 2016 15:14:54 +0000 I LOVE this post! I was just thinking about writing a similar post, but you beat me to it. 😉 I’ve started using the world “intentional” with a lot of areas in my life. It works perfectly with tech integration. If I’m not intentional about using the technology, the students will see through the smoke and mirrors. Using tech for tech sake is a terrible idea. People are surprised when they come into my room, and I’m not using technology. I tell them that there are lessons I just want the kids to act out or draw on their desks or step away from the technology altogether.

My school is going 1:1 next year, and I know this is going to be a common phrase we hear as we try and train the teachers in using the tech meaningfully and intentionally. I want to make the teachers’ jobs and lives a bit easier with great technology. I hope we can provide the teachers with a few sites and apps that’ll make their life easier and better in the long run.

By: Kyle Fri, 22 Jan 2016 01:32:11 +0000 This is exactly the post I was looking for! I am doing a PD session with my staff next week on this very topic. I agree, technology doesn’t need to be used just for technology’s sake. It also doesn’t have to be used an entire class period. But it should be used when it will enhance a lesson and when it will make a teacher’s job easier. Great post, Matt!

By: Marti Suddarth Fri, 22 Jan 2016 00:21:29 +0000 Sometimes the trick is using tech with just a couple of students at a time and keeping things simple. For example, this week I’m teaching my preschoolers to use the camera on our iPads. I show two at a time during playtime, and then I say, “Now, go find three things in our room that are circles and take pictures of them. Come back when you have three pictures.” I focused on one skill – using the camera – and just two students. At the same time, however, I was able to assess one of our math standards – identifying circles. Breaking big projects into smaller pieces makes the task more manageable.

By: Tama TROTTI Thu, 21 Jan 2016 23:22:13 +0000 I think teachers have to find a good balance. It cannot be looked at as something additional in the classroom. Perhaps start small, give your students a Padlet or a Poplet to complete or an option to do a hand-drawn poster or a screencast. Build the tech in slowly. The technology piece has helped me tremendously in terms of not having so much paper. For example HW can be completed via Edmodo or other platform making for quick feedback to students. It is a big learning curve, but for me, it has opened up many more opportunities for students to show me what they know other than through the traditional assessment pieces. Thanks for an informative piece.
