Comments on: Stop doing too much: The “minimum effective dose” for educators Ed tech, creative teaching, less reliance on the textbook. Thu, 20 Apr 2017 01:52:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nevertheless… – Upsetting the Apple Cart Thu, 20 Apr 2017 01:52:18 +0000 […] so that I could lighten my workload and hopefully, my outlook. You can read more about this from Matt Miller and Angela Watson, if you’d […]

By: Sarah Wed, 15 Jun 2016 23:34:50 +0000 I also resonated with this, spending hours documenting and grading absolutely everything kids did, even if it was just a completion grade, then being sad and grumpy when they didn’t even look at my comments. Whether digital or on paper, kids tended to just look at the grade and internalize it as a personal judgement, not an effort to help them improve. Plus, it takes the learning power away from the kid. I plan to have students track evidence of their learning and submit it to me. I may agree or disagree, ask questions, give feedback, ask for more evidence, but the student will be grading him/herself with input from me.

By: Comments Invite Conversations - Teacher Tech Thu, 19 May 2016 22:34:30 +0000 […] may take the feedback to reinforce that they are not capable. Matt Miller has a blog post on Ditch That Textbook about putting your efforts into things that actually improve student learning. If you’re […]

By: Useful links | Rhondda's Reflections - wandering around the Web Fri, 15 Apr 2016 07:06:12 +0000 […] divided into four major categories: Web tools, Chromebook apps, iPad apps, and Android apps.” Stop doing too much: The “minimum effective dose” for educators | Ditch That Textbook Understanding the Complexities of Fair Use, Creatively and In the Classroom — Emerging Education […]

By: Jennifer Sun, 26 Apr 2015 17:44:15 +0000 As I sit here staring at the stack of papers waiting to be graded on a Sunday afternoon I couldn’t agree more. I heard something at a curriculum meeting Friday, that at first seemed blasphemous, but after a while was, not just a lightbulb, but a great ray of sunshine. Instead of grading whole essays, have students choose which paragraph or sentence is their best based on whatever criteria is the focus and grade that one sentence. One sentence instead of a 5 paragraph essay. One sentence. This all came out in a discussion of the 11 minute essay so it is a guided essay already. One sentence. I could grade that quickly, possibly that same bell if the essay was first and other activities that might not need my full attention came after. It is almost exciting, which, after this year of PARCC and AIR testing is something I need.

By: Matt Miller Thu, 22 May 2014 02:16:20 +0000 In reply to Another Matt Miller.

You’re right, Matt … and we’ve got to remember that we’re human and we have family/friends/other interests to tend to outside of class. We have an obligation to our students, but it can only go to a certain point. If we’re still sitting at our desks in the classroom at 8 p.m. every night because of all of the work we’re doing outside of class, there’s something wrong. And we’re not getting a good “return on investment” in the extra hours we’re spending … kids aren’t gaining that much more because of all of those extra hours.

I love reading your reflections, Matt. Thanks, and keep them coming!

By: Another Matt Miller Thu, 22 May 2014 02:03:09 +0000 In this day in age, students want their feedback as soon as possible just like everything else in their lives. When I give a test, they want it graded right then and there. I get the biggest moans when I give a test on Friday and collect them. Then, I probably won’t get them graded and it takes me a week, or more, to grade them and input them. (Don’t tell my principal though). I agree that when they get them after an extended amount of time, they don’t feel the same connectedness to the assignment. Or I might make comments and they won’t see the connection anymore because it’s been a day or more. In the moment authentic assessments are more meaningful. Assessing and giving feedback during the middle of a writing is definitely more impactful than at the end after it’s been handed in.
Great topic on moving forward and making me think of ways to assess. Thanks!

By: Matt Miller Wed, 16 Apr 2014 22:18:50 +0000 In reply to Kelly Cleavinger.

Former teacher, now current “facilitator,” maybe? I like how you frame the idea of what you do! You’re right … real-world experiences are really what we all should strive for. Those experiences are the ones that tend to engage students the best, too, in my experience. Thanks for the comment, Kelly!
