Looking for ideas for teaching with MORE creativity, technology and innovation? Look no further. Grab your copy of this free ebook!
Could you use some practical new ideas for teaching that you can use tomorrow? Want to find ways to save time for what matters most?
You’ve come to the right place.
I have put together 101 of my best practical ideas to “Ditch That Textbook” in a free 19-page ebook!
Use the link at the bottom of this post to get your copy!
It’s the second edition of my free ebook. I pulled some of the most popular ideas from more than 400 blog posts over five years of blogging.
The new edition of “101 Practical Ways to Ditch That Textbook” includes great topics like:
- Using Google tools in the classroom
- Integrating video with Flipgrid and others
- Doing brain-friendly learning
- Infusing creativity in the classroom
- Connecting your class digitally
BIG NEWS! Tech Like a PIRATE is NOW available on Amazon! Make learning MEMORABLE! #Ditchbook #TechLAP
Each of the 101 ideas includes a link to a blog post where I write about it in more detail. Click the blue link in the book to go straight to that blog post.
Here are some of the ideas in the book:
NUMBER 9 — Tweet for someone. What would happen if a character from a story tweeted about an event in the story? Download the Google Slides template and share it with your students to get started.
NUMBER 22 — Help students create “sketchnotes,” or visual notes. Many students process visual ideas better than text-based ones. Embrace that by encouraging visual notetaking, either on paper or with an app like Paper by FiftyThree.
NUMBER 29 — Write emoji poetry or an emoji response. Brevity is an important skill in writing. Instead of encouraging students to write to a minimum number of words, let’s try constraining them to fewer words — and turn them into emojis!
NUMBER 43 — Add a “C” to refresh old activities. Take your current activity as it is. Find one of the four C’s — creativity, collaboration, communication and critical thinking. Find a way to add it to your activity. You may be surprised at the new spin it puts on an activity you’ve done for a long time.
NUMBER 71 — Analyze student writing in a snap. Copy student writing into Hemingway App and it analyzes grade level, paragraph/sentence/word/character count, hard-to-read sentences and more.
NUMBER 82 — Write Google-infused research papers. Use this workflow to streamline writing a research paper. Thanks to Google and several of its tools, you do that academic work more effectively and efficiently.
NUMBER 91 — Pin important locations in an area being studied. Studying a certain location? Before digging into your content, have students do some preliminary Internet research and create a Google MyMap with their findings. They’ll be better prepared for your unit of study!
Ready to get your copy of 101 Practical Ways to Ditch That Textbook?
- Are you signed up for Ditch That Textbook email newsletters? Check your email … I included a direct link to the ebook in your email.
- Not signed up for Ditch That Textbook email newsletters? Click here to sign up and get your ebook! On the “thank you” page after signing up, you’ll get a link to the ebook — AND a link to two MORE ebooks, “50+ Templates for Teachers” and “101 ways to Ditch That Textbook with G Suite”.
- Are you signed up but you can’t find your email with the links to the ebooks? Never fear. First, try signing up again with this link. If that still doesn’t work, send an email to ebooksdtt@gmail.com and we’ll send those links to you asap.
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Looks simple enough.