Comments on: I’m going back to paper AND staying digital Ed tech, creative teaching, less reliance on the textbook. Thu, 11 May 2017 04:24:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Natalie Priester Thu, 11 May 2017 04:24:21 +0000 I did the same thing! I was able to be totally paperless for a few years. My first step back to paper happened when my classroom set of laptops was replaced by Chromebooks. Since the screens were too small to split screen between direction and assignments, such as diagrams in Google Drawings, I needed to print directions for my SpEd students. The printed directions soon evolved to checklists, and my strictly paperless practice was abandoned. Now, I calmly just choose whatever is best for my current students and lesson, instead of stubbornly forcing us to be paperless. Glad I’m not alone!

By: Matt Miller Fri, 28 Apr 2017 14:29:13 +0000 In reply to Kari Catanzaro.

THANK YOU Kari. You’re right … we’ve been kind of side by side on our evolution through this. I like that you say that it’s important that kids — especially sixth graders — learn how to use tech as a tool, to help them learn, even when they see it as a toy. It’s a battle to shift their mindset. But if we give up, they don’t learn that valuable set of skills. I think we have to be willing to embrace the struggle (and #TheStruggleIsReal) even if it’s messy and isn’t fun. But you’re right — it has to come back to “What will help kids learn most effectively?”.

By: Brillante Viernes: April 28, 2017 – Maris Hawkins Fri, 28 Apr 2017 11:29:27 +0000 […] much as I love digital, this post by Matt also resonates with […]

By: Annette Lang Wed, 26 Apr 2017 23:07:07 +0000 Thanks for post. I’ve been using the Rocket wave notebook and app that Vicki Davis suggested at the holiday time as a best gift to self. I like that I can take my notes, select a category at the bottom via an icon and then use an app to scan direct to a specific drive or Dropbox folder. It’s been a great blend of tech and paper for me. The cool part- put in the microwave to erase the ink and use the notebook again! Rocketbook Wave Smart Notebook

By: Karen Tiffin Tue, 25 Apr 2017 17:52:18 +0000 Have you tried this gem:

It’s the best of both worlds… paper and technology!

By: Angie Tue, 25 Apr 2017 16:51:09 +0000 I agree with many of the previous posts, thank you for this. We feel a lot of pressure to go “all in” with digital and knowing there are other teachers (and students!) who are not a huge fan of this makes me feel relieved. I too believe in the power of Google Docs and Keep, but I also don’t want my students staring at a screen all day. Thank you for the thoughtful post and more ideas on how to utilize Google.

By: Frau Davis Mon, 24 Apr 2017 19:54:21 +0000 I definitely try to do paperless as much as possible. At one point, I didn’t even give out paper vocabulary lists, just quizlet links or lists on our LMS (Canvas). Some kids did great with it, and I know they have a huge file of vocabulary they can scan through when they want to write in German. However, Organization is a skill whether it is digital or analog! Current HS students usually have paper organization figured out because it was taught to them for years in elementary school. We recently switched from iPads to MacBooks and I’ve seen their digital organizational skills suffer.

But like you said, use whatever method helps your students. It’d be much easier for me to grade and collect warm-up papers digitally, but research shows for these verb conjugations that writing them out is more likely to help them retain information than just taking a screenshot from a verb conjugation website.

I also totally know what you mean about being able better to flow when planning on paper. I create most of my agendas and activities online/digitally. When I’m really trying to think abstractly or big-picture, paper is just the way I need to be. 🙂

By: Kari Catanzaro Mon, 24 Apr 2017 16:57:34 +0000 Fabulous! The title really caught my attention, since I’ve been with you on this digital journey the past 5 years that our school has been 1:1 laptops. Like you, I’m a blend- this is your best quote: “But going paperless shouldn’t be the goal. Choosing the best way to help kids learn should be the goal. It should all come back to this: What’s best for the kids? What helps them learn effectively?” Especially for 6th graders, it seems like technology is more of a toy than a tool; we are teaching them to learn to use it as a tool, but they like to play more than work on their computers. It’s the art of teaching- knowing when they need a hands-on or handwritten experience and when it’s great to tech it up. You captured my mind exactly- and education has to be careful not to swing 100% one way or the other so we can help ALL kids, not just techies, learn the best way for them on that day. Great post!
