Video is great for sharing ideas, messages, and for communicating. How can you leverage video to enhance your lessons? And what tools can we use to encourage our students to create with video? Here are 50 ideas for using video in your classroom.
Video is an incredibly effective medium for showcasing something that we want to share with others. We send videos we create or find to our friends and family through various social media platforms.
Videos help us tell our story. They allow us to share our voice.
Adding video to a lesson can increase the engagement and allow you to take students far beyond what they might find in their textbook.
So what are the best tools for creating? And what are some meaningful ways to use video in the classroom?
In a recent #DitchBook Twitter chat (Thursdays at 7 p.m. PST / 8 p.m. MST / 9 p.m. CST / 10 p.m. EST), moderated by Claudio Zavala Jr. we discussed these questions and more. Educators shared tons of ideas and resources for using video in the classroom in ANY subject area and in ANY grade level!
Scroll down to find 50 ideas for using video in the classroom. Check out this Wakelet to see the full chat discussion. Also, visit our Pinterest board packed with even more video resources.
Want to get in on the next #DitchBook Twitter chat?
- They happen every Thursday at 7 p.m. Pacific / 8 p.m. Mountain / 9 p.m. Central / 10 p.m. Eastern.
- They often run for 30 minutes. Many times, moderators will offer bonus questions for those that want to continue chatting.
- Check out what’s happening on the #DitchBook Twitter chat by clicking here. (Even if you don’t have a Twitter account!)
- New to Twitter? Want to know the basics? Check out my Twitter guide for teachers.
- Want to sign up for Twitter? Here are the directions.
Having trouble? Still unclear on how a Twitter chat works? Feel free to tweet to these #DitchBook ambassadors and they’ll help — Karly Moura @karlymoura, Sean Fahey @seanjfahey, Sandy Otto @sandyrotto, Rachel Marker @rachelmarker, Evan Mosier @emosier3, Mandi Tolen @TTmomTT, Craig Klement @craigklement, Tara Martin @taramartinedu, Krista Harmsworth @zonie71, Anne Kamper @annekamper, Rayna Freedman @rlfreedm, Lance McClard @drmcclard, Stephanie DeMichele @sdemichele or David Platt @herrplatt!
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