Creating a healthy school culture: 12 small shifts that make a BIG difference

#DitchBook Twitter chat

#DitchBook Twitter chat | Friday, March 30, 2018

Creating a healthy school culture: 12 small shifts that make a BIG difference

How do you define a healthy school culture? What small shifts can we make towards creating or maintaining a healthy culture?

When we talk about school culture we are referring to the attitudes of the school community, the relationships between staff members and beliefs they share. A healthy school culture is collaborative, supportive, encouraging and has a positive impact on staff, students and families.

An unhealthy school culture has the opposite effect.

A healthy school culture can lead to an innovative school. When staff members value one another and support each other as they work toward a common goal it creates a healthy space for risk-taking and growth.

How can we make small shifts at the district and school level to cultivate a healthy school culture?

And how do we celebrate successes and failures together once we get there?

In a recent #Ditchbook chat moderated by Rachel Marker and Anne Kamper we discussed the impact of school culture and shared thoughts on how to create a healthy workplace where innovation can grow.

We discussed:

  • awards and recognition
  • social media
  • peer observation
  • risk-taking
  • … and more!

Check them out in the summary of this week’s chat below!

Want to get in on the next #DitchBook Twitter chat?

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