30 activities for any Depth of Knowledge level

#DitchBook Twitter chat

#DitchBook Twitter chat | Thursday, July 16, 2020

30 activities for any Depth of Knowledge level

30 activities for ANY DOK level
30 activities for ANY DOK level

Webb’s Depth of Knowledge model is a useful tool for evaluating our lessons. What are the best strategies or activities to help students at each DOK level? Here are lots of ideas.

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Norman Webb’s Depth of Knowledge model can help teachers create learning opportunities that hit a variety of complexity levels. It is a framework for evaluating the level of complex thinking required to complete a task.

The four levels of the Depth Of Knowledge framework.

From Now THAT'S a Good Question! by Erik Francis

  • DOK level 1: Recall. What is the knowledge? Who? What? When? Where?
  • DOK level 2: Skill/concept. How can the knowledge be used? How can you arrive at the answer?
  • DOK level 3: Strategic thinking. Why does it happen the way it does? How/why could the knowledge be used?
  • DOK level 4: Extended thinking. How else could you use the knowledge? What can you design, develop, do with it?

This DOK model provides us with a guide as we develop lessons that create opportunities for complex thinking. And it is a useful tool for evaluating the level of rigor we are adding to our lessons.

But we don’t need to be at DOK level 4 all of the time.

In his article Using Webb’s Depth of Knowledge to Increase RigorGerald Aungst states, “DOK levels are not sequential. Students need not fully master content with Level 1 tasks before doing Level 2 tasks. In fact, giving students an intriguing Level 3 task can provide context and motivation for engaging in the more routine learning at Levels 1 and 2.”

So how do we provide opportunities for students to complete tasks at all DOK levels? And what are the best strategies and activities at each depth of knowledge level?

In a past #Ditchbook chat, we asked the community to share their best strategies or activities to help students at each DOK level. And once again they came through!

Below you will find 30 activities for ANY Depth of Knowledge level. Note that the personalized instruction before, during, and after these activities can take an activity from one level to another.  Also, be sure to check out this Wakelet collection to see the entire chat.

30 activities for ANY DOK level

Depth Of Knowledge level 1 activites

 Recall. What is the knowledge? Who? What? When? Where?

Quizlet logo

1. Try Quizlet flashcards & Quizlet Live

Quizlet offers a nice mix of polish and options. Learning options include a fill-in-the-blank test, a test where terms are read aloud and spelled, and a test with a variety of questions.

Read: How to start a Quizlet Live game in 60 seconds + tips and tricks

Kahoot logo

2. Play a Kahoot game

In a standard Kahoot! game, questions are displayed to students on a projector or display. Students respond on their own devices. It's a fun and engaging way to recall information.

Watch: 5 things you might not know about Kahoot!

Gimkit logo

3. Test basic knowledge with Gimkit

Gimkit (gimkit.com) is like Quizizz with power-ups. In Gimkit, students use answer questions and get points. Students can use their points as currency to buy power-ups in the store. Power-ups let students earn more points per question, get additional points when they hit a streak, and even lose less points when incorrect.

Listen to: GimKit: Like Kahoot with power-ups on the Ditch That Textbook Podcast

4. Use Retrieval Cards instead of flashcards

A spin on flashcards. Have students use the four steps of metacognition on each retrieval card.

  • Make a judgment of learning (star or question mark)
  • Answer all that you starred
  • For the first time look up the ones you don’t know
  • Verify 

Read: Make Flashcards More Powerful from RetrievalPractice.org

5. Try out a Brain Dump

Students recall everything they can about a given topic, whether it was covered in the lesson or not. They can do brain dumps in many ways: on paper, verbally to a partner, or digitally.

Read: Sticky learning: Digital brain dumps with Flipgrid and Socrative

6. Jot down Two Things

Like a brain dump but an even quicker retrieval practice strategy. Have students write down two things they remember or two things that are still unclear.

Read: Want a quick no-quiz retrieval strategy? Increase learning with Two Things! from RetrievalPractice.org

7. Instead of note-taking try Retrieve-Taking

Encourage students to read a book, watch a video, or listen to a lesson without taking notes.
Then close the book, video, or pause during a lesson so students can write down what they remember.
Finally open the book, watch a video, and continue with the lesson

Read: Boost note-taking. Try Retrieve-Taking! 

8. Use the power of images with sketchnotes

Sketchnoting is an engaging, brain-friendly way for your students to capture their thinking.

Read: Sketchnoting in the classroom: 12 ways to get started 

eduprotocol logo

9. Eliminate worksheets with the Fast and the Curious Eduprotocol

If you’re frustrated with ineffective repetition-based worksheet homework, you’re not alone. Check out the Fast and the Curious EduProtocol. It provides students with timely feedback. It’s fun. It gives great repetitions. In short: it works!

Watch: Meet the Fast and the Curious Eduprotocol

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10. Use Quizizz for review

Quizizz is a fun, student-centered study tool. It is used to engage students in review and assessment at school or at home. And best of all, it’s free.

Listen to: The Quizizz you never knew on The Ditch That Textbook Podcast

Depth Of Knowledge level 2 activites

Skill/concept. How can the knowledge be used? How can you arrive at the answer?

green plus

11. Use Flipgrid to explain thinking

Flipgrid gives students an easy way to reflect on their thinking and share their thoughts with others. 

Read: Flipgrid for ALL! 50+ ways to use Flipgrid in your class

Shared by Stella Pollard

Google Sheets logo

12. Create an "All About A Topic"

The Google Applied Digital skills curriculum is a goldmine of incredible ready to use lessons. Utilize the All About A Topic lesson to guide your students step by step through creating a Google Slides presentation about a topic.

Visit: Create a Presentation "All About a Topic" lesson

Shared by Amy De Freise

13. Have a collaborative discussion in Google Sheets

Utilize a discussion tab (template here) in Google Sheets to create an opportunity for your students to engage in collaborative discussions.

Read: Classroom Discussions with Google Sheets by Alice Keeler

Shared by  Katy McCoy

Jamboard Logo

14. Use Jamboard to organize ideas

Jamboard is a collaborative, digital whiteboard. Add sticky notes, drawings, images, text and more. Move them around on the screen easily.

Visit: Get started with Google Jamboard

15. Brainstorming with Google Slides sticky notes

Try organizing and categorizing your thoughts and ideas with Google Slides sticky notes. It's an easy way for students, and adults, to keep their ideas in one place while planning.

Read: Google Slides sticky note brainstorming: Powerful planning

google drawings logo

16. Create an infographic in Google Drawings

Use icons or images paired with text to share information in an infographic. An easy, and free, way to do this is with Google Drawings.

Read: Creating eye-popping infographics with Google Drawings

Shared by Stephanie Howell

17. Reteach new vocabulary words with a podcast

Creating a podcast is easy and free. Try having your students create their own podcast sharing new vocabulary words with an authentic audience.

Read: Why your students need a podcast: How to do it fast and free

Shared by Rayna Freedman

Depth Of Knowledge level 3 activities

Strategic thinking. Why does it happen the way it does? How/why could the knowledge be used?

18. Hexagonal thinking

Hexagonal thinking lets students connect ideas with multiple contact points. You can modify this hexagonal thinking graphic organizer for your students.

Check out: 25 FREE Google Drawings graphic organizers — and how to make your own

Shared by Jen Wolfe

19. Which one doesn't belong

This activity asks student students justify which one doesn’t belong and enjoy their problem-solving skills from the start. You can use this template created by Kris Szajner to edit for your class.

Shared by Jen Walter

20. Use Google Scholar to back up ideas with research

Google Scholar is a free web search engine of scholarly literature. Have students use it to back up their ideas with reputable sources.

21. Choose a side and defend your answer

Giving students time to reflect about what they've learned, form opinions about it and explain/defend those opinions helps them to own and retain new material. Try using Flipgrid for a back and forth discussion or try our Picture This and Take a Stance activity.

Read: Caption This! A fun, deep-thinking Google Drawings activity

22. Make a movie trailer for a class novel

Give students the opportunity to reflect on and analyze a class novel by creating a movie trailer for their classmates or other classes.

Read: 5 ways to use Adobe Spark Video in your classroom

Shared by Jennifer Conti

Depth Of Knowledge level 4 activities

Extended thinking. How else could you use the knowledge? What can you design, develop, do with it?

23. Use AR/VR to recreate a children's book for younger students

Students can use apps like Co Spaces EDU to create a virtual world and immerse younger students in a favorite children's book.

Read: 6 ways to start using Augmented Reality in your classroom

Shared by Laura Steinbrink

24. Create your own Khan Academy style videos

Why shouldn't students be the ones to create tutorial videos for younger students or even create a library of videos to share with future students! Students can use the features in the new Flipgrid Shorts camera to create Khan Academy style videos.

Read: Shorts season: An introduction to the NEW Flipgrid camera

Shared by Nicole Nowlin

25. Have students design their own business

One of the best examples of DoK 4 came from @DonWEttrick's class. Students designed a school coffee shop. Sourced coffee from a local roaster. Solved school problems and supported the community -- as cumulative project for their class.

26. Create video games to show knowledge

Kids LOVE to play video games but creating around the content they learned is definitely DOK4! Use the free curriculum from CS First to teach students basic video game coding concepts that they can apply their learning to.

Check out: Game Design from CS First

Shared by Jen Walter

27. Use Screencastify to create video tutorials

Much like making their own Khan Academy style video, giving students the opportunity to create their own screencast tutorial explaining their thinking gives students the chance to extend their thinking.

Read: 24 ways to create great classroom video with Screencastify

Shared by Stella Pollard

28. Create an opportunity for students to solve a problem and present the solution to people who can help change

Project Based Learning is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging, and complex question, problem, or challenge. PBLWorks.org

Incorporating Project Based Learning into your classroom gives your students the chance to identify and solve real world problems.

Shared by Nicole Nowlin

29. Guide students through the design process

Brainstorming, more creating, more problem solving are the key to preparing students for any job they may have in the future. What better way to learn that than by making something? That’s what design thinking is all about. Students identify a problem then solve that problem by making something.

Read: Digging into design thinking: 10 key ideas

30. Host a genius hour

Genius Hour is the idea of giving students 20 percent of their class time to pursue projects related to their passions. The concept is broad and intentionally open-ended, and the results can be phenomenal.

Read: 12 ways to really make Genius Hour work in your class

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