Flip, a FREE video discussion platform, gives all students a voice. Here are more than 50 Flip ideas and activities for your class.
This post is written by Karly Moura, the blog and social media editor at Ditch That Textbook.
You have probably heard of Flip and have seen tons of people sharing their experiences using it on social media. It seems that people all over the world have been using Flipgrid in all sorts of creative ways.
Flip is a video response platform where educators can have online video discussions with students or other educators. Teachers can provide feedback to students AND better yet students can provide feedback to one another.
The best part? Flipis completely FREE!
My first experience with Flip was back in early 2017 in our weekly #Ditchbook Twitter chat where a group of educators from all over the country shared ideas and inspire one another online. Since then I have had the opportunity to use Flip with students, administrators, as well as other educators in workshops and professional development sessions.
Each time I introduce it the reaction is always the same, “Wow! There are so many ways to use this tool. I can’t wait to try it out in my class!”.
But don’t take my word for it, check it out and try it yourself!
In this post you will find over 50 ideas and ready-to-use Flipg activities for your class. You can use the quick navigation box below to jump to any section or scroll through the post to find something that you can use in your class tomorrow!
Getting started with Flip
Getting started with Flip is easy. As a teacher you can sign up (see the steps below) and start creating your grids and topics right away. Students and participants don't need an account, they will simply use the code you provide to log in and start recording!
How to create a Flip account:
1. Go to flip.com/signup
2. Sign up with either your Google or Microsoft account.
3. Share a little about yourself as an educator by entering in your information and clicking the green “Create account” button.
The Flip Getting Started Guide
Want even MORE assistance bringing Flip to your classroom? Check out their onboarding webinar or visit the updated help center that to get up and running in no time!
Flip conversation starters from the Disco Library
Flip understands the power of community and educators connecting and becoming better together. The “Disco Library” tab at the top of your Educator Dashboard and you will find over 20,000 Flip topics ready for you to add to your Grids. Once you select a Topic to add you will have an opportunity to update and make any changes to the Topic before it is added to your grid.
Below you will find six popular topics from the Disco Library that can help your students get started using Flip in a fun and easy way. Just click on the button Don't see a topic you like? There are lots more here.
50+ Flip activities for your class
English Language Arts

1. Reading response goes digital.
After your class reads an article, chapter or book have them respond to a question about their reading. Take the conversation further by having students comment on each other’s responses.

3. Debate about a topic.
Add a Flip topic to the share section of this “Great Debate” HyperDoc by Rayna Freedman to get your students debating.

4. Celebrate The Global Read Aloud all year long.
The Global Read Aloud is a set 6 week period that spans from early October through mid-November and teachers all over the globe read one book and connect with other classrooms all over the world. With a tool like Flip, you can connect with educators all over the world anytime and share as you read a novel together.
Want to take it a step further? Find a book with a companion novel HyperDoc to complete at the same time. Many of these HyperDocs such as The Wild Robot and A Boy Called Bat were GRA books from past years. Choose a book, a companion novel HyperDoc, get connected and get reading!

5. Reboot your standard biography report.
Our friend Sean Fahey had the fabulous idea to use Nadine Gilkison’s amazing Biography Inquiry HyperDoc to teach students all about biographies. Finally, he had students dress up as the person they were researching and record a short presentation video.
6. Record an ongoing story.
Claudio Zavala Jr. suggests having students record an ongoing story through Flip. Have one student think of a title then the next record a 30-second beginning the next builds on that and so on and so forth. What a fun way to get the whole class involved in and create a unique story to share!

7. Create a virtual vocabulary word wall.
When working on a unit have your students record a video describing the meaning of important vocabulary words. They can hold up a card in their selfie video with the word written on it so the words are easily accessed by other students.
8. Speaking skills assessment.
With Flip you can provide written feedback to students and give them a rubric score for performance and ideas. You can even customize the rubric (how-to screencast). The PVLEGS framework includes a great rubric to use when assessing students speaking skills in Flip.
Click below to listen to The juice that makes Flip even better on the Ditch That Textbook podcast!
Ready-to-use ELA activities from the Flip Disco Library
Reflect and assess with Flip
9. Show what you know!
Choice and voice are so important for getting students to share their knowledge with us. What better way to do that then with the new Flip camera! The camera gives students the ability to add more than ever to their videos giving them the option to add:
- Text boxes
- Filters
- Inking and whiteboard animation
- Live recording and more!
There is so much you can do with the new camera! Check out 20 activities to “Bloom” with the new Flip camera for tons of ideas here.
11. Exit tickets get a makeover.
Exit tickets are a great way to get some feedback from your students at the end of the day. Post the question “What did you learn today?” or better yet ask your students “What did you create today?” for the students to answer before leaving class.
Flip Math activities
12. Number talks.
Have students explain their thinking and critique the reasoning of others as they work through a math problem. Looking for more ideas for using Flip in math? Be sure to check out Sean Fahey’s fantastic post 13 ways to enhance math lessons with Flip.
13. Activate prior knowledge on a topic.
High school math teacher, Mark Tobin recommended simply asking the students to activate their knowledge on a topic before teaching it. He said he had tremendous success by just using that strategy. Why not take it a step further and have your students record a Flip video sharing their background knowledge on a topic before you begin? Students could then reply to their original video after the unit sharing everything they learned.
14. Three Act Math.
A brilliant mathematical teaching strategy developed by Dan Meyer is Three Act Math. Three Act Math is a series of tasks consisting of three distinct parts taking the learner through deep mathematical thinking. This strategy gives learners lots of opportunities to reflect on their mathematical understanding.
Have your students record a Flip video after each act replying to the previous video to share their reflections as they go through the acts to document their learning.
Ready-to-use math activities from the Flip Disco Library
Science and Social Studies
15. Brainstorming in the Engineering Design Process.
Students can jump very quickly to planning or even building before they get out their ideas in a brainstorming session. Slow them down a bit and capture their thinking as they throw out their ideas on Flip. Add a Flip to the brainstorm portion of this Intro to Engineering Design Process HyperDoc.
16. Computer science share out.
After creating a project in a coding program such as Scratch students can explain their project, ideas for improving, what issues they came across and how they debugged their program. Students can add a link to their project when they respond to the grid so the teacher or another student can view their program while listening as the student explains.
Click on the images below for links to tons of ready-to-use computer science topics from Code.org and Tynker!
17. Do a little debugging.
When we refer to debugging we are usually talking about finding and fixing errors in a computer program. However, my (then) six-year-old son found and fixed his errors when reading and happily exclaimed that he had just debugged. After completing a math task, reading a passage, working through the engineering design process or when creating a computer program students can use Flip to reflect on the process identifying their errors and sharing how they fixed them.
Want an example of how this would work? I created this topic in the Discovery Library to get you and your students started using Flip to debug in computer science.
18. Map out historical landmarks.
In California, our fourth-grade curriculum is famous for the Mission reports the kids are expected to do each year. Of course, students also do state reports and various other projects for social studies. What if instead of, or in addition to a fun alternative to a report, students also share what they know in a Flip AR video? Then print that QR code link to the video and add it to the map? Geography, history and oral reports all rolled into one.
Ready-to-use science activities from the Flip Disco Library
Creating a community
21. Advice to next year’s class.
How cool is it to have a Flip topic full of advice videos from your current students to show next year’s class? Check out this End of Year Reflection HyperDoc and link a Flip in the share section.
23. Welcome back to school Flip style.
Have all staff record a welcome back message for your student at the beginning of the year.
Ask a local (or national) celebrity to join in and give a shout out to your students. Also check out Kristin Merrill‘s post 16 ways to use Flip on the first day of school” here.
25. Make learning come alive with Flip AR!
Use the new Flip AR feature and add QR codes linking Flip videos to your students’ work. Have families scan the code and watch as your students “pop-out” into the real world! See Randall Sampson’s idea for using FlipAR below.
26. Encouragement from home.
Scott Titmas has families record videos for their children to provide encouragement from home. Don’t just wait for testing time to have your families record videos. The beginning of the year, at parent conferences, or a send-off to the next grade are all ways to get families involved in encouraging and supporting their kids.
Ready-to-use community building activities from the Flip Disco Library
Flipgrid beyond the classroom
27. Create a virtual library of tech tips and tricks.
How many times have you had something go wrong with the Chromebook or iPad and you KNOW you have fixed it before but you just can’t remember how you did it? Have your school tech squad or group of tech-savvy students create videos with tech tips and tricks on a Flip topic to share with the rest of the school. You can have a topic for Chromebook troubleshooting, a topic for iPad tips and even a whole topic for getting started with commonly used apps and programs.
28. Flip in Physical Education.
Using proper form when exercising is important. Students can record a video of the proper way to do a jumping jack, lunge, stretch, lift weights or kick a ball. As a soccer coach having a short video to remind me and my team how to perform the proper moves is a valuable resource.
29. Host a Flipgrid film festival.
Short films can be incredible teaching tools and are just plain fun to watch. Pixar has even paired up with Khan Academy to create Pixar in a Box which is a behind the scenes look at how Pixar artists do their jobs.
Challenge your students to create their own short films and use Flip as the platform for sharing their stories. Have students reply to their short film introducing themselves and sharing their thought process while filmmaking. Pleasanton Unified School District hosts a yearly film festival and provides some great resources including HyperDocs to help get you started.
30. Make some FlipPals!
An incredible idea from Bonnie McClelland, FlipPals connects classrooms across the globe creating virtual pen pals. You can take advantage of FlipPals using Flipgrid One. However, if one of the FlipPals teachers has Flip classroom then you can become CoPilots on the same grid giving both teachers access to the educator dashboard.
Conversations about race, equity and justice from the Flip Disco Library
Flip Educator Innovation Leads Jess Boyce, Ann Kozma and Jornea Armant have curated Flip Topics around race, equity and justice to help you start meaningful discussions with your students.
Appsmash with Flip
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your mom
I agree on this so much! This is amazing! Definitely sharing this to people
Thanks for these great lessons
This opens up lots of opportunities for student engagement.
Very useful in creating activities for phys ed
Hi Karly, The tool and the way it can be used effectively to improve the online learning experience for kids is really impressive. Flipgrid is a fun tool that the students enjoy using, simply through the “selfie” and social-media feel. It is easy and simple to use by both staff and students. Many of my friends who teach to higher classes are using Microsoft, Google, and other tools. Teachers and many students hesitate and don’t adopt new technologies in their classrooms easily. The pandemic pushed them to come out of their comfort zone. Now teachers with technology phobia also using these complex tools with ease. I am sure the way you explained Flipgrid and some of your teaching experiences with it here, many teachers will be motivated to use Flipgrid and many such other tools. Thanks for such a helpful post.
Good informative post.
[…] Retellings, reflections, and responses (via Flipgrid) […]
[…] Also check out Flipgrid for ALL! 50+ ways to use Flipgrid in your class […]
[…] Also check out Flipgrid for ALL! 50+ ways to use Flipgrid in your class […]
[…] out Catch the Flipgrid Fever! 30+ ways to use Flipgrid with your class for more […]
[…] Read: Flipgrid for ALL! 50+ ways to use Flipgrid in your class […]
[…] Getting started with Flipgrid […]
Some great ideas! But our school District has blocked FlipGrid due to their privacy policy. 🙁
Link to the
30. Appsmash!
OK, I’m kinda cheating here since this is really WAY more than one idea but it’s just too good to leave out. I have had the opportunity to connect with an incredible educator and Flipgrid Ambassador, Jornea Erwin. In this episode of Flipgrid Unplugged Jornea shares SO many ideas for how to appsmash with Flipgrid to kick it up another notch.
was disabled.
I would love to see it.
[…] The possibilities for recording Flipgrid videos for learning are endless! Here are lots of ideas and resources to get you going. Click here to view! […]
[…] Flipgrid allows students to create a short video in response to a prompt, and displays them in a grid. Instructors create an account with either Microsoft or Google, and create a prompt for students to respond to. The instructor generates a “Flip code” to share with students so they can answer in video format, maybe before class (via a computer or a phone). The response videos are displayed in a grid, which can be displayed to the class and selected videos can be played. Here are thirty ways to use Flipgrid in class. […]
[…] to Flipgrid Ideas, I had a jumping off point for how I could use Flipgrid in my classroom. Along with completely […]
[…] For more ideas on how to use Flipgrid in the classroom, check out CoolCatTeacher’s podcast – Flipgrid: 6 Fun Ideas to Engage Learners. Or check out Ditch that Texbook’s post on Catching Flipgrid Fever! […]
[…] to support learning and development. Technologies will change, new software will be developed, and new tools will become “hot” but to avoid the constant app hopping and bandwagons it’s important to have […]
[…] to support learning and development. Technologies will change, new software will be developed, and new tools will become “hot” but to avoid the constant app hopping and bandwagons it’s […]
Any thoughts on recap vs. flipgrid? I like the concept of both but I like the recap is free…what are the benefits of flipgrid over recap then?
Thanks for sharing your thoughts about flipgrid. Regards
[…] FlipGrid – Students answer questions via little videos. They can also reply to each other. Very similar to instagram. Great way to practice conversational skills in foreign languages. Cannot provide feedback without updating materials. Great list of ideas for how to use it in the classroom. […]
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When it will come to web site visibility, the Nokia C6 will not make you squint and
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[…] Catch the Flipgrid fever! 15+ ways to use Flipgrid in your class | Ditch That Textbook […]
Great ideas!
What grade(s) do you teach? I’ve tried using Flipgrid with my high schoolers since it came out and have been unable to get them to freely participate.
The success stories on the Flipgrid website include elementary, middle, higher ed, and professional development – no high school.
I’m not saying it can’t be done. The potential is awesome for all learners. I’m just looking for teachers who have used Flipgrid in grades 9-12 with success.
– Kevin
Karly/Kevin: I’ve just done a quick scroll and great ideas! But, I teach a community college Vocational (CTE) course and want to be able to use FlipGrid on items pertinent to the class and still keep it ‘fun, fresh, and interesting’. That can be difficult in a CTE course (in the medical field). Any thoughts or suggestions? Suzanne